Tuesday October 22th 2024 : Open 10am - 5pm

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Reassessing Castellio’s Legacy

Reassessing Castellio’s Legacy The Italian Protestant Diaspora and the Debate Over the Puni...

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Eight figures of pastors in the cinema. Five pastoral dresses created by Albertine. The Protestant pastor is a figure of great wealth. He can be at the same time or alternately preacher, revolutionary and guide. He also knows how to be a comforter and mediator of the sacred. In the cinema, great directors have exploited the narrative resources of these Protestant priests to make exciting characters.

In its Company Room, the MIR offers the screening of an original montage of around twenty minutes made up of eight extracts from major films. We see pastors under the camera of Michael Haneke, Charlie Chaplin, Alain Resnais and John Huston. In its Company Room, the MIR offers the screening of an original montage of around twenty minutes made up of eight extracts from major films. We see pastors under the camera of Michael Haneke, Charlie Chaplin, Alain Resnais and John Huston.

In the history of the 7th art, we no longer count the films that feature pastors. The eight extracts brought together in the montage (duration approx. 20 minutes) evoke several facets of what the activity or personality of the Protestant priest can be and underline a particular way of exercising the pastoral vocation, in the manner of a Leader, of a Prophet, a Shepherd, a Director of conscience or a Priest.

Film extracts: Carl Theodor Dreyer, Ordet (1955) / Stefan Haupt, The Reformer (2019) / Charlie Chaplin, The Pilgrim (1923) / John Huston, Moby Dick (1956) / Alain Resnais, Love to Death ( 1984) / Michael Haneke, The White Ribbon (2009) / Charles Laughton, The Night of the Hunter (1955) / John Landis, The Blues Brothers (1980)

At the same time, on the basis of a typology established by the French theologian André Gounelle, the famous artist Albertine is exhibiting in the Salon du Musée five models of dresses that she created to highlight particular ways of exercising the pastoral vocation, to the manner of a Prophet, a Shepherd, a Leader, a Director of conscience or a Priest.

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